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هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تجميع اسئلة الامتحان

Doc taqtooOOq
بشرى عبد الله
7 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف Admin الثلاثاء مايو 11, 2010 7:30 pm

السلام عليكم

ان شاء الله تكونوا عملتوا منيح بالامتحان

يا ريت اي واحد بيتذكر سؤال

يكتب السؤال مع الخيارات اذا امكن

وشكرا مسبقا

عدد المساهمات : 443
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/10/2008


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مُساهمة من طرف بشرى عبد الله الثلاثاء مايو 11, 2010 8:32 pm

*m.c coz of stress incon. is:
-inc. intra abd. pr.
-heavy lifting
-estrogen def

*candidal infxn ass with all except:
-recurrent UTI

*manegment of menorrhagia, all are true except:
-nonhormonal loop

*about amniotic fluid which is true:
-AFI more than 70 percentile
-deepest pocket more than 8 cm
-deepest pocket more than 10cm

*in the active stage of labour all are effective uterine contractions except
-uterine cont. lasting 30-60 sec
-inc. intrauterine pr. 30 mmhg

*in premenstrual syndrom all are true except
-premenstrual spotting
-mood changes

*folic acid which is true
-coenzyme in pyruvate pathway
-DNA synthesis

*all are branches of the internal iliac a. except
-ovarian a.

*pelvic blood supply, one is true
-common iliac a. division at the sacroiliac joint

_*a newborn found to have one umbilical a. and one umbilical vein in the cord, which is true
-found more in males
-may be ass. with cong. abnormalities
-usually ass with neural tube defect

*a pregnant lady presented with PROM at 36 wks, the appropriate mx is
-induction of labour
-corticosteroids for lung maturity

*all are indications for the use of forceps except
-prolonged labour
-fetal distress at 2nd stage

*all can cause obstructed labour except
-ectopic kidney;in the pelvis
-full urinary bladder
-ovarian tumor

*habitual abortion ass. with all of the following except
-chromosomal abnormalities
-hormonal changes
- ??

*dysfunctional uterine bleeding ass with

*a lady had a hx of abortion, the risk that she will have spontanous abortion in the
next pregnancy is

*a pregnant has D.M, her baby may have all the following except
-cong anomalies

*female came to the ER complaining opf abd. pain & fevef
u suspect PID, the most reliable
-purulant cervical dischrge
-temp. more than 38
-inc. ESR
-cervical motility ???

*in pregnancy the uterus will be
-rotated to the rt bcoz of the rectosimoid at the lt
-rotated to the lt bcoz of the rectosimoid at the lt
-change its rotation?

*inc. wt in pregnancy
-12 kg
-8 kg
-20 kg

*m.c coz of ambigous genitalia is
-cong. adrenal hyperplasia

*all are medical indications for bed rest in a pregnant lady except
-inc. fetal movements
-vaginal bleeding

*all are ass. with breech except
-substance abuse
-short Umb.C

*in uterine rupture the most reliable is
-sudden tearing abdominal pain
-loss of utrine tone

*the hormone that inc. in pregnancy more than others is

*m.c coz of intapartum fetal death is

*smoking cause one of the followwing
-dec. fetal breathing movements
-dec. oxy. to the brain of the fetus

*substance abuse coz all except
-inc. breech presentation
- ??

*secondary bleeding postpartum,mostly cozed by
-retained products of conception
-uterine atony

*occipitopost. one is false
-ass with deflexion of the head
-cause backache
-usually detected at labour

*one is false
-mentovertical 11.5cm

يسلمو دلال...الله يرضى عليك ويجزيك الجنة..

بشرى عبد الله

عدد المساهمات : 9
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/02/2010

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مُساهمة من طرف Doc taqtooOOq الثلاثاء مايو 11, 2010 8:38 pm

all are risk factors for placenta accreta:
a- placenta abrubtion
b- D & C

Doc taqtooOOq

عدد المساهمات : 8
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/05/2009

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مُساهمة من طرف بشرى عبد الله الثلاثاء مايو 11, 2010 8:58 pm

*protection against genital tract infxn

*all are non keratenized skin except
-labia majora
-ex. surface of hymen
in. surface of the hymen
-labia minora

*umbilical vein
-ligamentum teres

*all are true GI changes in pregnancy except
-peptic ulcer improves
- ???

*pregnant , 41 wk ,cervical effacement 50%, cervical dilatation 2cm
station minus 2
**bishope score
**the mx is
_ ??

*postpartum, the myometrial changes
-dec. no. of cells
-dec. size of cells
-hyaline degeneration
-fat degeneration

questions about
*all these drugs cause galactorrhea except
*all cause placental dysfxn except
*ex. cephalic version all are condaindications except

بشرى عبد الله

عدد المساهمات : 9
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/02/2010

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مُساهمة من طرف بشرى عبد الله الثلاثاء مايو 11, 2010 10:24 pm

*all are absolute contraindications for OCP except

*prostaglandins synthesised in all these tissues except

*candidiasis all are true except
-prevented by washing underware at 80 c
-inc. in the follicular phase of menstrual cycle

*physiological changes in pregnancy one is falsse
-RBC mass inc. 70 %

*all coz fetal tachycaria except
-fetal distress
-maternal hypothyroidism

*all are risk factors for osteoporosis except
-early menopause

*m.c coz of purpereal infxn

*questions about
*late decelelration
*molar pregnancy
*in ovarian tumors all the matches are true except
*biophysical profile contain all these except

السلام عليكم
واضح انه تقريبا كل الاسئلة المكتوبة فيها خيارات ناقصة وممكن تكون الاجابة الصحيحة احد هذه الخيارات
ياريت اللي بتذكر يضيفها,الله ينفعكم وينفع فيكم يا رب.

الله يرضى عيك يا اسراء ويعطيك ليرضيك..

بشرى عبد الله

عدد المساهمات : 9
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/02/2010

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مُساهمة من طرف اسراء الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 12:43 am

الله ينصر دينك يا بشرى ويعطيك الف الف عافيه Very Happy
54 سؤال صاروا ..والخيارات تقريبا كلها موجودة ..وان شاء الله بنعدل عللي بده تعديل لما نجهز النسخة الاولية زي دايما

55- the definit Dx in ectopic pregnancy is
a- laparascopy
b- hcg level
c-progesterone level

56- genital tubercle --> clitoris

57- m.c cause of detrousal instability is
a- idiopathic

58- all are side effects of oxytocin except
a- hyperprolactinemia
b-amniotic fluid embolism
c- fetal distress

59-invitable abortion :
a- pain + bleeding + open cervix

all causes galactorrhia except
a- cimetidine

60- all causes precocious puberty except
a- hyperthyroid ?? I THINK HYPO NOT HYPER
b- glioma
c- neurofibro?

61- not teratogenic drug
a-enoxaparine ?? I THINK ITS HEPARINE
b- vit A
c- amphoteracin

62- CMV causes all except
a- hydroceph
b- microceph
c- polycythemia

63- all are indication for C\S except
a- occipito posterior position
b- breech
c- previous C\Ses

64- absolute indication for C\S
a- mento posterior

65- short duration follicular phase means
a- polymenorrhea

66- placental dysfunction not caused by
a- short stature

67- episeotomy all are problems except
a- infection
b- painful
c- short healing time
answer c

68- about haxton bricks contractions false
a- unpredictable
b- irregular
c- causes more pain than ???

69- about erythroblastosis fetalis not seen bu us
a- hyperplacentation
b- pleural effusion
c- ascities
d- abdominal wall edema
e- hydrocheph
the answer may be E bcz it causes scalp edema

70- drug not used in ovulation induction
a- diclofenac NA
b- recombinant FSH
c- GnRH agonist
answer is A

- about eclampsia false
a- mgso4 is used in management
b- deliver mother as soon as she arrive
c- ttt under sedation

- BPP contains all except
a- fetal movement
b- fetal breathing movement
c- fetal wt
d- AFI
e- NST
answer c

71- the least imp prognostic factor in endometrial ca
a- histologic grade
b- peritoneal wash
c- depth of invasion
d- age
e- size of uterus
d or e

72- endometriosis false
a- increase in multiparity

- late decelarations common causes except
a- gestational HTN ??

73- disease not complicated by pregnancy
a- sickle
b- pulmonary HTN
c- asthma
d- **** disease
e- klu ** j ** syndrome

74-not side effect of cisplatinum
a- alopecia
b- nausea vomiting
c- hearing loss and tennitus
d- neuropathy
e- nephrotoxicity

all are true !!  

75- about cervical tumor (atypical seq cells of undetermined significance) ASC-US
pt pap smear found to have ASC-US at a visit and repeated it at next year
the next step is
a- colposcopy
b- hysterectomy
c- repeat pap smear

عدد المساهمات : 694
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/10/2008
العمر : 36


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مُساهمة من طرف Mohammad Ghalib Riziq الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 1:11 am

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نضع بين أيديكم جهد زملائكم
الذين قاموا بجمع أسئلة امتحان النسائية
ونرجوا من الجميع الاطلاع عليها وتزويدنا بالتعديلات والزيادات والحلول
لم هو غير موجود هنا
لكي نقوم بتعديله وتصحيحه وترتيبه واخراجه بالشكل المناسب الكامل بإذن الله لنقدمه لزملائنا في سنة سادسة لإمتحانهم القادم بإذن الله
مع تحري تغيير اللون للزيادات والتعديلات
ونرجو الإستعجال في الردود وكحد أقصى صباح يوم الخميس نتمنى أن تكون كل اردود قد وصلت "ومن أكبر عدد ممكن"ـ
كما اعتدنا منكم المبادرة والتقديم والبذل دون انتظار الجزاء
فوفّــق الله الجميع وبارك فيكم... وشُـدُّوا هِـمَـمَـكم.. ولا تتركوا لليأس مكان عندكم.. كما عهدناكم أول ما عرفناكم..ـ


طبعا هذه التعديلات لم تشمل تعديلات الأخت اسراء
لذلك معلش ممكن تعيدي ترتيب اسألتك حسب لشتغلته أنا
لأني اتعبت وبدي أنام
وربنا يوفقكوا
Mohammad Ghalib Riziq
Mohammad Ghalib Riziq

عدد المساهمات : 328
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/10/2008
العمر : 37
الموقع : www.med-pulse.net

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مُساهمة من طرف haneen الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 6:19 am

ya3teekom el 3afyeh

i think there are missing questions from the ones written by Isra2 and Bushra that were not included bil file
like for eg prognostic factor for endometrial cancer

fi kan kman so2al 3an endometrial cancer, all are true except:
a) assocaited with a women who is unmarried
b) associated with a woman who had many pregnancies
c) smoking is a protective factor

cervical cerculage is assocaited with all except:
a)post-date pregnancy
b) cervial infection
c) cervical dytocia
d) contractions

molar pregnancy is a risk factor for:
a) postpartum hemorrhage
b) congential abnormalities
c) another molar pregnancy

histological examination of villi in complete molar pregnancy shows:
a) edematous villi
b) mish bil zabt hek kan el '7ayar, bas hada el ma3na, enno there are blood vessels in the villi
d) inreased proliferation of he villi- not sure

Turner syndrome, all are true except:
a) webbed neck
b) wide carrying angle
c) short stature
d) lymphadema- i think
e) hypogonadotrophoc hypogonadism

all are assocaited with primary amenorrhhea except:
a) Asherman's syndrome
b) transverse vaginal spetum
c) testicular feminizing syndrome

a patient, pregnanct, with a pap smear that showed atypical something ACSU?? mish 3arfeh, she reapeated it and had the same result, wt is the next step?
a) repeat pap smear annually
b) coloposcopy

causes of collapse in the postpartum period are all except:
a) amniotic fluid embolism
b) pre-eclampsia

a patient presents with vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain, on examination she was found to have closed cervix, all could be the dx except:
a) threatened abortion
b) inevitable abrotion
c) complete abortion

a patient presents with elcampsia, all of the following are correct about management except:
a) give MgSO4 prophylaxis
b) deliver the patient immediately when she arrives
c) do kidney funstion test
d) give antihypertensives
e) keep the patient sedated

external cephalic vestion, all are absolute contraindications except:
a) multiple preganacy
b)rupture of membranes
c) cord presenation
d) placenta previa

there was a questiona about oxytocin, i think side effects

which method would u use for induction of labor in this lady tab3et el bishop score:
a) prostaglandin E1
b) amniotomy
d) amniotomy with some drug
e) the durg alone

General ansethsia complications:
a) air way problems
b) hemorrhage
c) fiberoptic... while the patient is awake can be used if larngeal intubation failed

multiple pregnancy in assocaited with increased risk of a;; except:
b feto maternal hemorrhage

amniotic fluid contains:
a) sugar
b) potein
c) fibronectin

recurrent c.s indcaiotns and additional choice is transvese lie

fi kan so2al kan bil choices eno thromboemblism prophylaxis is required in ever c.s, it was which is not ture

there was a question the choices were:
a) majority of cases of face presentation have unkown cause
b) manul removal of the placenta is assocaited with endometritis

all these drugs are teratogenic except:
a) enohepatin
b) amphoterixin B

all these drugs cause galactorrhea excpet:
a) antidpressnats
b) lyspride??
c) cimtidine
d) metoclopromide??

all these durs are used for induction of ovulation except:
a) bromocipine
b) GNRH agoinst
c) recombinat FSH

long pregnancy: anecephaly??
not sure

an Rh -ve woman present sto you pregnanct 16months in her second pregnancy. the best thing to do for her is:
a) husband blood group
b) indirect coomb's test
c) give anti-d

fee question 7a6eeno 3al el ocps bas howeh kan 3an el HRT

i hope ini ma 3det el as2leheh el maktoobeh already
maybe i added some choices

dal eshi?
ana katbeh 3indi 93 questions bas mish 3arfeh esh el na2es


عدد المساهمات : 23
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/09/2009

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مُساهمة من طرف Admin الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 10:29 am

مشكورين من جديد على تجميع الاسئلة

شكرا بشرى و اسراء و و حنين

و شكرا محمد غالب

عدد المساهمات : 443
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/10/2008


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مُساهمة من طرف اسراء الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 10:47 am

3- vulvovaginitis ass with all except:
a- D.M
b- recurrent UTI
c- HIV
d- HRT
the anwser is D some says B !

5- about amniotic fluid which is true:
a- AFI more than 70 percentile
b- deepest pocket more than 8 cm
c- deepest pocket more than 10cm
answer B

11- a newborn found to have one umbilical a. and one umbilical vein in the cord, which is true
a- insignificant
b- found more in males
c- may be ass. with cong. Abnormalities
d- usually ass with neural tube defect

12- a pregnant lady presented with PROM at 36 wks, the appropriate management is:
a- induction of labour
b- tocolytics
c- corticosteroids for lung maturity
d- conservative management
the answer is A(I dont know why to wait more, the lung is mature at 34 so before that yoy give tocolytic and steroids to enhance lung maturity) 

13- all are indications for the use of forceps except
a- oligohydramnios
b- prolonged labour
c- fetal distress at 2nd stage

14- all must be done in vacuum delivery except:
a- explain and take consent from the lady
b- done at 0 station
c- must be done with complete cervical dilatation
d- empty bladder
e- exactly known position

19- a pregnant has D.M, her baby may have all the following except
a- hyperglycemia
b- hypocalcemia
c- cong anomalies
d- death

21- 20 female came to the ER complaining of abdominal pain & fever. you suspect PID, the most reliable
b- purulant cervical discharge
c- temp. more than 38
d- inc. ESR
E- pain with cervical motility kg

answer mostly E or b

20- Average wt gain during pregnancy:
a- 6 kg
b- 8 kg
c- 12 kg

23- all are medical indications for bed rest in a pregnant lady except
a- HTN
b- inc. fetal movements
c- vaginal bleeding
d- cervical incompetence

29- substance abuse coz all except
a- inc. breech presentation
b- post date
d- miscarriage
I think B not sure

33- protection against genital tract infection:
b- Condoms
c- Diaphragm

(37;38) pregnant, 41 wk, cervical effacement 50%, cervical dilatation 2cm,
station minus 2.
37- bishope score
a- 3
b- 4
c- 5
d- 7

the answer A

38- the management is:
a) prostaglandin E1
b) amniotomy and wait one hour
d) amniotomy with syntocine
e) syntocine dose ..in ..ml
the answer is A or B

39- postpartum, the myometrial changes
a- dec. no. of cells
b- dec. size of cells
c- hyaline degeneration
d- fat degeneration
the answer is B

40- all these drugs cause galactorrhea except:
a- antidepressants
b) lyspride??
c) cimtidine
d) metoclopromide??
the answer NOT A NOT c NOT D


41- all cause placental dysfunction except:
a- abruptio placenta
b- prolonged labor duration

42- from 7aneen
external cephalic vestion, all are absolute contraindications except:
a) multiple preganacy
b)rupture of membranes
c) cord presenation
d) placenta previa

43- PG synthesized in all except:
a- Brain
b- Liver
c- kidney
d- Red cells
e- lungs
They are produced by all nucleated cells except lymphocytes
SO i think D. some says A(m3lish biochemistry revision)

45- candidiasis all are true except
a- prevented by washing underware at 80 c
b- inc. in the follicular phase of menstrual cycle
MOSTLY B .some says A

47- all coz fetal tachycardia except
a- fetal distress
b- maternal hypothyroidism

48- all are risk factors for osteoporosis except
a- early menopause
b- hyperparathyroidism
c- hyperthyroidism
d- cortisone
e- hypocalcemia
mostly C or B-says that causes osteomalacia!

49- most common cause of puerperal infection:
a- endometritis
b- parametritis
c- salpingitis
d- cervicitis

50- ate decelarations common causes except
a- gestational HTN
b- preclampsia

51- from 7aneen
histological examination of villi in complete molar pregnancy shows:
a) edematous villi proliferation
b) blood vessels proliferation in the villi
d) inreased proliferation of the trophocytes

the answer is B 

a patient presents with elcampsia, all of the following are correct about management except:
a) give MgSO4 prophylaxis
b) deliver the patient immediately when she arrives
c) do kidney funstion test
d) give antihypertensives
e) keep the patient sedated
I THINK B some says E

- BPP contains all except
a- fetal movement
b- fetal breathing movement
c- fetal wt
d- AFI
e- NST
answer c

عدل سابقا من قبل اسراء في الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 11:38 am عدل 1 مرات

عدد المساهمات : 694
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/10/2008
العمر : 36


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مُساهمة من طرف Scorpion Payne الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 11:14 am

PG not synthesized in BRAIN
Hyperthyroidism has nothing to do with osteoporosis

14- all must be done in vacuum delivery except:
b- done at 0 station (answer)
Scorpion Payne
Scorpion Payne

عدد المساهمات : 266
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/10/2008
العمر : 37

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مُساهمة من طرف اسراء الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 11:33 am

55- 39 year old pregnant lady, primigravida, the investigation that should not be done for here:
a- Amniotic fluid index
b- Stress test
c- u\s

56- Polyhydramnios, definition:
a- AFI > 18

57- Female with short follicular phase, his called:
a- Polymenorrhia

b- Oligohydramnios
c- Menometroheagia
d- Metorrheagia

58- Inevitable abortion, one correct:
a- Vaginal bleeding
b- Vaginal bleeding + abdominal cramps
c- Vaginal bleeding + abdominal cramps + dilated cervix
d- Vaginal bleeding + abdominal cramps + dilated cervix + expelled POC

60- from 7aneen

Turner syndrome, all are true except:
a) webbed neck
b) wide carrying angle
c) short stature
d) lymphadema-
e) hypogonadotrophoc hypogonadism
the answer is E (turner problem NOT central I mean hypergonadotpophic hypogonadism .. so she always has high FSH )

61- The only one that crosses the placenta:
a- IgM
b- IgG
c- IGA
answer is B

63- All are considered serious symptoms during pregnancy except:
a- Headache
b- Blurred vision
c- Ankle edema

64- All are risk factors for ectopic pregnancy except:
a- PID
b- Hx of ectopic
c- Hyperemesis gravidarum
d- Pelvic surgery

65- Most common cause for detrusor instability:
a- Upper motor neuron lesion
b- Recurrent infection
c- Idiopathic

66- Pedundal nerve block at:
a- L 2,3,4
b- S 2,3,4

70- Prolonged labor is commonly seen with:
a- Occipitoposterior
b- anencephaly

72- Pregnant lady came to the clinic in 37 GA, as a routine visit, pregnant with twins, and during u/s examination they found dead fetus & the other one was alive with reactive BPP, what you have to do:
a- Admission and observe
b- Nothing, but with frequent visits & daily NST
c- Corticosteroids prior to delivery
d- induce delivery
I think is D -we dont know if they are mono or dichorionic so we predict the worst and dont wait if they are mono coz the dead fetus will make negative pressure and will suck the bld from the live one -ejtihad mne elklam-

73- Vulvovaginitis, all true except:
a- Increase with using HRT

- disease not complicated by pregnancy
a- sickle hemoglobinopathy
b- pulmonary HTN
c- asthma
d- **** disease
e- klu ** j ** syndrome

75- the definit Dx in ectopic pregnancy is
a- laparascopy
b- hcg level
c-progesterone level

76- all are side effects of oxytocin except
a- hyperprolactinemia
b-amniotic fluid embolism
c- fetal distress

77- all causes precocious puberty except
a- hyperthyroid ?? I THINK HYPO NOT HYPER
b- glioma
c- neurofibro?

78- not teratogenic drug
b- vit A
c- amphoteracin
i think A is heparin and its the answer

79- all are indication for C\S except
a- occipito posterior position
b- breech
c- previous C\Ses
d- transverse -not sure
the answer is A

80- absolute indication for C\S
a- mento posterior position
b-transverse -not sure
A is true and B also if its was a choice

81- placental dysfunction not caused by
a- short stature

82- episeotomy all are problems except
a- infection
b- painful
c- short healing time
answer c

83- drug not used in ovulation induction
a- diclofenac NA
b- recombinant FSH
c- GnRH agonist
answer is A

84- the least imp prognostic factor in endometrial ca
a- histologic grade
b- peritoneal wash
c- depth of invasion
d- age
e- size of uterus
d or e

85- endometrial cancer, all are true except:
a) assocaited with a women who is unmarried
b) associated with a woman who had many pregnancies
c) smoking is a protective factor

86-not side effect of cisplatinum
a- alopecia
b- nausea vomiting
c- hearing loss and tennitus
d- neuropathy
e- nephrotoxicity

all are true !!

87- about cervical tumor (atypical seq cells of undetermined significance) ASC-US
pt pap smear found to have ASC-US at a visit and repeated it at next year with the same result
the next step is
a- colposcopy
b- hysterectomy
c- repeat pap smear
a or c

cervical cerculage is assocaited with all except:
a)post-date pregnancy
b) cervial infection
c) cervical dytocia
d)premature contractions
A ( we remove it when we want basically

amolar pregnancy is a risk factor for all except
a) postpartum hemorrhage
b) congential abnormalities in the next pregnancy
c) another molar pregnancies
d) abortions in another pregnancies
I think the Q was wrong
bcz molar is not risk for congenital or abortions only another molar % is increased

all are assocaited with primary amenorrhhea except:
a) Asherman's syndrome
b) transverse vaginal spetum
c) testicular feminizing syndrome

causes of collapse in the postpartum period are all except:
a) amniotic fluid embolism
b) pre-eclampsia
c) not covered with steroids

a patient presents with vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain, on examination she was found to have closed cervix, all could be the dx except:
a) threatened abortion
b) inevitable abrotion
c) complete abortion

General ansethsia complications:
a) air way problems
b) hemorrhage
c) fiberoptic... while the patient is awake can be used if larngeal intubation failed
B or C

multiple pregnancy in assocaited with increased risk of a;; except:
b) feto maternal hemorrhage
c) preterm labor

amniotic fluid contains all except
a) sugar
b) potein
d) electrolytes
e) cortizole

fi kan so2al kan bil choices eno thromboemblism prophylaxis is required in every c.s, it was which is not ture

there was a question the choices were:
a) majority of cases of face presentation have unkown cause
b) manul removal of the placenta is not assocaited with endometritis

an Rh -ve woman present sto you pregnanct 16months in her second pregnancy. the best thing to do for her is:
a) husband blood group
b) indirect coomb's test
c) give anti-d
b or a

هيك بكون ضفت اللي كتبته حنين واللي كتبته انا عالاسئلة
ويعطيكم العافيه

عدل سابقا من قبل اسراء في الخميس مايو 13, 2010 1:06 am عدل 2 مرات

عدد المساهمات : 694
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/10/2008
العمر : 36


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مُساهمة من طرف اسراء الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 11:53 am

99- about fibroid ?
a- may cause obstruction to the tube -not the answer
not sure about the Q and dont remember more

عدد المساهمات : 694
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/10/2008
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مُساهمة من طرف Mohammad Ghalib Riziq الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 4:14 pm

يسلمو كثير ويعطيك العافية
وان شاء الله بميزان حسناتكم كلكم
بس هيك يعني لما ارتب الأسئلة ما اتطلع على الي كتبته حنين بالأول
يعني مباشرة اشوف هاد لرتبتيه
لأني لسه ما بلشت ارتب هدول مع الي عندي
Mohammad Ghalib Riziq
Mohammad Ghalib Riziq

عدد المساهمات : 328
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/10/2008
العمر : 37
الموقع : www.med-pulse.net

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مُساهمة من طرف اسراء الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 8:03 pm

اه ما في داعي تراجعهم لاني دمجت كل اشي مع بعض وتأكدت انه ما في اشي مكرر او سؤال ما انحط
بعد اخر سؤال من اللي عندك بتقدر تنسخه من اللي رتبته هون للأخر

عدد المساهمات : 694
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/10/2008
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مُساهمة من طرف Doc taqtooOOq الأربعاء مايو 12, 2010 11:57 pm

To increase the chance of a successful vaginal delivery
during an induction, an unfavorable cervix can be ripened with a variety of
mechanical and pharmacologic agents prior to initiating Pitocin. Pharmacologic
agents include prostaglandin E2 preparations available as a vaginal/
cervical gel (Preperdil) or vaginal insert (Cervidil). Misoprostil, a
synthetic PGE1 analogue, has been used off label for preinduction cervical
ripening and induction. It can be administered via the oral or vaginal route.
Mechanical ripening of the cervix can be achieved with laminaria, which is
a hygroscopic dilator that is placed in the cervical canal and absorbs water
from the surrounding cervical tissue. Pitocin is not considered a cervical
ripening agent but a labor-inducing agent.

Doc taqtooOOq

عدد المساهمات : 8
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/05/2009

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مُساهمة من طرف Doc taqtooOOq الخميس مايو 13, 2010 12:02 am

Although it is usually idiopathic, true sexual precocity can arise from cerebral
causes such as tumors or a history of encephalitis or meningitis, as
well as from hypothyroidism, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, neurofibromatosis,
and other disorders. In girls who have precocious pseudopuberty,
the endocrine glands, usually under neoplastic influences, produce elevated
amounts of estrogens (isosexual precocious pseudopuberty) or
androgens (heterosexual precocious pseudopuberty). Ovarian tumors
appear to be the most common cause of isosexual precocious pseudopuberty;
some ovarian tumors, including dysgerminomas and choriocarcinomas,
can produce so much gonadotropin that pregnancy tests are
positive. Incomplete sexual precocity, which is usually idiopathic, is characterized
by only partial sexual maturity, such as premature thelarche or
premature adrenarche (pubarche).

Doc taqtooOOq

عدد المساهمات : 8
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/05/2009

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مُساهمة من طرف اسراء الخميس مايو 13, 2010 12:40 am

tumors or a history of encephalitis or meningitis, as
well as from hypothyroidism, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, neurofibromatosis
yes hypothyroid NOT hyperthyroid which the Q wants the false

عدد المساهمات : 694
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/10/2008
العمر : 36


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مُساهمة من طرف Mohammad Ghalib Riziq الخميس مايو 13, 2010 6:42 am

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

نضع بين أيديكم زملاءنا الكرام، آخر ما توصل إليه زملاؤكم الكرام الذين كتبوا لكم أسئلة امتحان النسائية والتوليد، رغم ضيق وقتهم...ـ

متمنين لكم ولزملائهم في السنة السادسة النجاح والتوفيق والسداد بامتحانات الدنيا والآخرة...ـ

فلهم كل الإحترام والتقدير.. ونرجو أن نحذُوَ حذوهم الطيب..ـ


وهذا مهدى لهم...

[img]تجميع اسئلة الامتحان K5e29908[/img]
Mohammad Ghalib Riziq
Mohammad Ghalib Riziq

عدد المساهمات : 328
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/10/2008
العمر : 37
الموقع : www.med-pulse.net

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